The Bridges of Constantine


NO, Constantine is not in Turkey, Greece or Italy. It is actually situated in the north-eastern part of Algeria and ZDV WKH »UVW$OJHULDQ FLW\ ZH KDG YLVLWHG GXULQJ RXU RQH and-a-half month trip to Algeria and Tunisia between 1RYHPEHU DQG 'HFHPEHU , ZDV GHHSO\ LPSUHVVHG by this city inhabited by a population of 450,000 people. Set RQDSODWHDX PDERYHVHDOHYHODURXQGDGHHS UDYLQH IRUPHG E\WKH 5KXPHO 5LYHU WKH FLW\³V QXPHURXV EULGJHV DQGYLDGXFWVVSDQQLQJWKHFKDVPKDVJLYHQULVHWRLWVDSW nickname of “City of Bridges”. &RQVWDQWLQH KDV DQ H[WUHPHO\ ORQJ KLVWRU\ ,WZDV »UVW HVWDEOLVKHGE\WKH3KRHQLFLDQVDQGZDVUXOHGVXFFHVVLYHO\ by Numidia, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine, the Arabs, Almohad & Hafsid, the Ottoman Empire and then the French. ,WJRWLWVSUHVHQWQDPHZKHQWKHFLW\ZDVUHEXLOWLQ $' and was named after the Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great. 7KH JRUJHV FDUYHG E\ WKH 5KXPHO 5LYHU DQG LWV WULEXWDULHV KDYH DOPRVW YHUWLFDO VLGHV GURSSLQJ PRUH WKDQ PWRWKH¼RRU 5RDGVIROORZWKHFRQWRXUVDQGFXWLQWRWKH cliffs, and many buildings sit right on the edges of the sheer FOLIIV $ERYHDOO WKHEULGJHVWKDWDGRUQWKHVFHQHEULQJRXW WKHPDJQL»FHQFHRIWKHHQWLUHYLHZ 7KH\DUHLQIDFWDPDMRU pull factor for tourists. As a bridge engineer, I was so excited ZKHQ,»UVWFDXJKWVLJKWRIDVXVSHQVLRQEULGJH¼\LQJDFURVV DGHHSUDYLQHKLJKDERYHXVZKHQZH»UVWDUULYHGWKHUHDW GXVN ,LPPHGLDWHO\UHTXHVWHGRXUGULYHUWRVWRSWKHYHKLFOH so we could capture some photographs. Among the bridges in Constantine, the most conspicuous RQHZRXOG EHWKH6LGL0³&LG%ULGJH D VXVSHQVLRQ EULGJH ZKLFKLV PORQJ ORFDWHGDW PDERYHWKHJRUJH¼RRU It was opened in April 1912, linking the old Fort on one side and the hospital on the other. The bridge was repaired in \HDU 9LHZVRIWKHJRUJH WKHROGFLW\DQGWKHYDOOH\ from the bridge are incredible! $VLGHIURPWKH6LGL0³&LG%ULGJH VRPH RWKHU QRWDEOH bridges include the El Kantara Bridge, Mellah Slimane Bridge and Sidi Rached Bridge. The El Kantara Bridge is RQH RIWKH ROGHVW LQWKH FLW\ KDYL

$VLGHIURPWKH6LGL0³&LG%ULGJH VRPH RWKHU QRWDEOH bridges include the El Kantara Bridge, Mellah Slimane Bridge and Sidi Rached Bridge. The El Kantara Bridge is RQH RIWKH ROGHVW LQWKH FLW\ KDYLQJ 5RPDQ RULJLQV DV DQ aqueduct. It was destroyed and rebuilt many times and took its present form in 1863. It is 128m long and rises 125m DERYHWKHJRUJH Meanwhile, the Mellah Slimane Bridge is a suspension bridge for pedestrians, linking the railway station and the centre of the old town. Completed in 1925, this bridge is PORQJ PZLGHDQGULVHV PDERYHWKHZDWHU 2Q the city side, the bridge is substantially lower than the street OHYHO DQGDVWHHSVWDLUFDVHDQGDOLIWEULGJHWKHYHUWLFDOJDS between the two. The Sidi Rached Bridge took 5 years to construct. When it was opened in April 1912, it was the highest bridge in the world. This bridge, consisting of 27 arches, is 450m long and links the railway station with the old city. When LW LV YLHZHG IURP D GLVWDQFH WKH EULGJH SURMHFWV D WUXO\ PDJQL»FHQWVLJKW Ir. Chin Mee Poon is a retired civil engineer who derives a great deal of joy and satisfaction from travelling to different parts of the globe, capturing fascinating insights of the places and people he encounters and sharing his experiences with others through his photographs and writing

by Ir. Chin Mee Poon


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